
Have your teams trained on the topics of IT security, in e-learning or face-to-face according to your needs.

We offer training on various information security subjects, from introductions made for non-technical profiles to specific exploitation topics for seasoned computer scientists.

With a strong experience in training students and IT teams, we dedicate some of our company time to create very realistic playgrounds made to be a great learning experience for experienced engineers and beginners alike.

Currently Available Trainings

  • Introduction to CyberSecurity (0,5 days)
  • Introduction to CyberSecurity (1 day)
  • Introduction to Ethical Hacking (2 days)
  • Introduction to Ethical Hacking (3 days) (Certificate included)
  • C|EH Exam Training (5 days)
  • Pentest+ Exam Training (5 days)

All of the training sessions are available in 🇫🇷 and 🇬🇧. Our slides are usually in English, translated live by our trainer if necessary. In-house training is available in most of western Europe. E-learning is available worldwide.

Contact us directly for more specialized training sessions! If we can do custom training for your specific needs, we’ll be happy to do it.